Lost 4k Gambling
In general, this Android-powered 4K Smart TV not only offers a sleek physical design thanks to its bezel-less display but also plenty of other features that helped it deliver enjoyable and immersive entertainment experience. Among them is the support for Dolby Vision technology which allows the A7400F 4K Smart TV to deliver vivid HDR output. Don’t do it please. I lost 6000€ in one day last December! Had same thoughts but at the end calmed myself down. I’m now over 7 months gambling free. I know first thing when you lose so much you don’t believe in yourself. You don’t think it’s possible to turn things around, but time heals. Gambling Addiction message board, open discussion, and online support group. 7 posts. Page 1 of 1. Finally asked for permanent self exclusion (lost $7.4k qkly). My gambling has officially spiralled, I have about 13k in savings and take home $900 a week after tax and am 21 years old. This weekend I blew 4K and have till January first to pay it back. I need help I have worked all year living at home to only have tiny savings. Sad, depressed and lost.
I lost $7,400 in the past few days in sports betting, using an agent and I've finally asked the agent for permanent self-exclusion.Previously I was debating with myself if I should self-exclude or not, I thought maybe I will still make something out of it but burning $3,500 in just less than 2 minutes on a Tennis match where both players are 4-4 in a tie break and I chose the wrong player to win the set - that's enough ... whatever made me make that choice - this is more than enough for me ...
My mind was all about gambling in the past few weeks/months, I tried to keep it 'under control' but to no avail ... this is just impossible, and I had enough ... it did affect my family life, and I might have enough finance to support the losses I endured (I'm not in debt) - nonetheless I don't want to hit rock bottom, and I'm actually sort of hitting rock bottom already with my personal life, by neglecting my family life, my health, and many other aspects in life I couldn't look at because I was too busy checking odds, trying to guess who would win, thinking about conspiracies, reading the script, rigged games - it's all futile attempt to make money that won't last.
Even if you are truly lucky to make a lot of money from it - your chances are so great to lose it all in the end.
I am unfortunately not doing great at work right now, I did do extremely well several years ago but I'm trying to become successful again - it definitely won't come from gambling, that's for sure .... gambling is not only a hindrance but it's a big obstacle in your path in life ...
And it doesn't matter what you bet on - Tennis, NBA, Horses - dealing with it is just a futile attempt to get something out of it.
I'm 33 years old now ... I truly hope I can put this all behind me, I truly hope so ... self exclusion is just one tool but I'd require so many other tools as well, but it's a good start ... I will try to build as many walls as possible.
I promise to visit the forum and post more often, as much as needed. Thanks for reading. i recently began online gambling for the first time every in my life and deposited $500 into my account. the first day of gambling for really successful for me as i ended up with nearly $900.
then today....

Lost 4k Gambling Websites
i deposited $500 into my account hoping to regain it... i lost it all againthen i deposited $500 again a few minutes later, lost it all again.
i deposited another $500 one last time and lost everything. i feel so depressed right now. after losing nearly $3000 in just an hour i knew i have a serious gambling problem. so i immediately locked my credit card away under a table, and sent an e-mail to the casino site to close my account. they just closed my account a few minutes ago and said that it will never be enabled again.
the depressing thing about this was that i said to myself at the beggining of today 'if i lost more than $100, i will stop for the rest of the day'. well i ended up losing way more than that, now i don't know how to explain this to my parents when they see that i have a $2000 credit card payment.... even worse is that this happen right before christmas... and i'm still in university and this is a big blow to my tuition payments.