A Dual Band Microstrip-fed Slot Antenna
- A Dual Band Microstrip-fed Slot Antenna Tuner
- A Dual Band Microstrip-fed Slot Antenna Booster
- Design Of A Novel Microstrip-fed Dual-band Slot Antenna For Wlan Applications
A new design for single-feed dual-layer dual-band patch antenna with linear polarization is presented in this letter. The dual-band performance is achieved by E-shaped and U-slot patches. The proposed bands of the antenna are WLAN (2.40-2.4835 GHz) and WiMAX (3.40-3.61 GHz) bands. The fundamental modes of the two bands are TM01 mode, and the impedance bandwidths ( ) of 26.9% and 7.1% are.
Monopole antenna, Antenna theory. Keywords Microstrip fed antenna, dual band monopole antenna, condition for the antenna. A general approach of representing defected ground. INTRODUCTION Wireless communication is widely used today in various fields. Many techniques have been developed to achieve multiple bands. This paper presents a study of dual/triple-band simple slot antenna fed by microstrip line for WLAN and WiMAX communications systems. The first proposed antenna consists of a rectangular slot with rectangular-ring strip at the centre of a rectangular ground plane and microstrip line feed at the centre for excitation. Moosazadeh et al. Proposed a novel microstrip-fed monopole antenna for a triple-band operation in 9. The proposed antenna consisted of a pair of symmetrical L and U shape slots inside the rectangular patch that enables proper adjusting of the resonant bands. Proposed antenna geometry was simulated and fabricated on FR4 substrate.
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A compact dual-band annular-slot antenna loaded by a concentric split-ring-slot is presented. A stepped microstrip feedline enables the control of the coupling and provides good matching. The annular-slot is connected to the split-ring-slot by a rectangular slot, which increases the surface of the current path, thus notably reducing the resonant frequency for a given size. The embedded split-ring-slot structure allows many resonant modes to be realised. By tuning the key parameters, these operating modes and their bandwidths can be controlled. A wide bandwidth can be realised for either the lower band, upper band or both bands simultaneously, depending on the application. Measured results show that the bandwidths in the region of 45-15% and 32--8.4%, can be provided for the lower and upper bands, respectively. For the case where a wideband response is required for both bands, it is shown that 26 and 32% can be realised. A 30%miniaturisation is also achieved compared with conventional annular ring slot antennas.
Recommended Citation
Bao, X. & Amman, M. 92009) Microstrip-Fed Dual-Frequency Annular-Slot Antenna Loaded by Split-Ring-Slot. IET Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 3, 5, 2009, pp. 757-764. doi:10.1049/iet-map.2008.0193


Included in
2006 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium>3597 - 3600
book ISBN : | 1-4244-0123-2 |
DOI | 10.1109/APS.2006.1711398 |
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A Dual Band Microstrip-fed Slot Antenna Tuner
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Yijun Liu
- Sch. of Electr.&Electron. Eng., Nanyang Technol. Univ.
Boyu Zheng
- Sch. of Electr.&Electron. Eng., Nanyang Technol. Univ.
A Dual Band Microstrip-fed Slot Antenna Booster
Zhongxiang Shen
- Sch. of Electr.&Electron. Eng., Nanyang Technol. Univ.
UHF antennasantenna feedsantenna radiation patternsbroadband antennasmultifrequency antennasslot antenna arrays1800 MHzdual-band microstrip-fed cavity-backed subarraywide-band cavity-backed slot antenna subarrayridged slotsfeeding networksreturn loss bandwidthradiation patterns900 MHz
UHF antennasantenna feedsantenna radiation patternsbroadband antennasmultifrequency antennasslot antenna arrays1800 MHzdual-band microstrip-fed cavity-backed subarraywide-band cavity-backed slot antenna subarrayridged slotsfeeding networksreturn loss bandwidthradiation patterns900 MHz